A Garden of Fabrics is an artistic reflection on the contrasts of our everyday lives, presented as a reconstruction of the opposition between digital and handcrafted methods.

While exploring the use of household textiles, I question why some of the most beautiful items, those with sentimental value, are reserved only for special occasions, gradually used less and less, until they eventually gather dust in closets, where they fall victim to the passage of time.

From forgotten textile handkerchiefs and napkins, I created colorful worlds, textile gardens; reconstructing and enriching them through collage techniques so that they grow, intertwine, and breathe beyond the drawers. Most importantly, they live again, reminding us of all that was and all that could still be.

2023, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering / Mentors: Prof. Marija Jenko, Assist. Prof. Mag. Petja Zorec