October 2023 was eventful. I first presented my collection, A Garden of Fabrics, as part of the student showcase at Ljubljana Fashion Week in the ROG Center, where I received the award for the best student collection. Following that, I also participated in the STYLO fashion show for young designers in the beautiful hall of St. Francis of Assisi in Koper, where I received the second prize for my work.

Backstage Memories from LJFW

Half-whispered calls of names; where’s Jerca, is Brina fully dressed yet? The one who’s ready, get in line quickly, actually, head straight to the runway. Okay, this should be tied differently, wait, wait, the earrings too! Okay, let’s go!

It was hot, and everything was happening fast. A few years have passed since I last participated in a fashion show, and I had almost forgotten the kind of stress it brings, how much strength it takes not to let the stress consume me.

But all of this has its charm. So much joy and satisfaction, pride that with the help of my mentors and friends, I managed to pull off a project I was considering abandoning in February because I doubted I could succeed. Yes, I doubt myself too, often. That’s why I’m even more grateful for everyone who encourages and supports me along the way. Even for those obstacles that prove to me that I can do it. That it’s worth it. Because it is. Simply as that. Because I don’t just want to create something that’s “beautiful,” but something that also inspires you to dare to live and work differently. And that brings me even more joy.

Models: Immortal Group Agency & Model Group Agency Photography by Jaka Ivančič, Pia Hočevar Mucić & Jure Makovec.