Ker z mano ti si kot zarja, ki briše sledi noči. In s tabo jaz sem kot ptica, ki z vetrom leti in leti. In dan se z jutrom prebudi, ko dvoje rok te stisne v objem, slika steno oživi, tam sva jaz in ti.

For with me you are like the dawn, wiping away the traces of the night. And with you I’m like a bird, that flies with the wind. And the day awakens with the morning, when two hands hug you. The picture on the wall comes to life, there are me and you.

To love and to be loved. In all shades of emotion. That’s why I create clothes based on the principle of upcycling - a creative upgrade. Because what is loved lasts and is eternal.

I transform lace curtains, white shirts, vintage textiles and bed linen into new pieces, colourful collages that dance happily into a new day. For you.

Techniques used: upcycling, patchwork, screen printing, digital printing

This photosession was made in collaboration with Samsung Slovenija and their newest Samsung Z Flip 6 phones.

Models: Urban & Dana / MUA: Dana Rohkeus Verč / Assistants: Ela Mejač